Having entered a new decade of life this year, and having experienced much already in this lifetime.....I thought a few changes to shake things up were in order. Journaling has become more prominent in my life and entering the blogger's forum feels like a natural progression for me. I've been a lurker on blogs for far too long and so here's to mustering up some courage to start one myself!
I pray that as I do look back on my posts, it is evident that I am a work in progress: a person continually being broken, only to be remolded and reworked in accordance to God's will for me.
Soooo.......to get my feet wet, I thought I'd post something I did on facebook back in January of this year (with a few changes). An introduction of sorts if you will...
1. My favorite color has changed over the years, but more recently it has been white....the purity of it appeals to me.
2. My all time favorite TV show is Three's Company. I really wonder how I came to love it because I'm sure I didn't understand all the innuendo when I was a kid!
3. I am a morning person, I feel the most productive when I can get all my errands done before noon, and then have the rest of the day to relax.
4. My mom's obstetrician who delivered me was M. Knight Shyamalan's mother.
5. I am an Indian rarity in that I am almost never late, and usually have to be 10-15 minutes early wherever I go (annoying to my friends I know:)
6. I have developed a little bit of road rage after living in Boston (loved living there though!)
7. I love to swim and have been swimming since I was a child. However, I'm still more scared of getting into the ocean than most of my non-swimming friends.
8. I love looking at pictures and paintings of lighthouses and have had the pleasure of visiting a few of them. I could stare out over the ocean for hours, it gives me a sense of calmness and peace.
9. I love love love to travel and have been blessed with several opportunities, but I hate hate hate the actual flying part. I love visiting India and have been there 9 times. A few places I've been thus far are the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, and South Africa. The places I most want to see next are Italy, Greece, and Thailand!
10. More recently I have been into reading blogs, and have been moved by some of the everyday things that people share. I am envious of those that can write beautifully.
11. I am a closet sports fan and pay more attention to sports than most people realize.
12. I can fall asleep through any movie no matter how action-packed or good it may be (ie. Gladiator, the Matrix)
13. My brother is probably one of the smartest people I know, and also the humblest.
14. The words and prayers of my mother are the only thing that can truly comfort me in times of pain and struggle.
15. The past 2 years have been the most challenging in my life, but the most rewarding. I've learned that God will speak to you clearly, you just have to listen and accept.
16. I have been blessed with amazing life-long best friends who've made my life so much fun to live. The stories and memories that have been created with them are almost unbelievable :) It can bring me to tears when I think about their friendships.
17. I'm mildly ashamed to admit that I know nothing about Hindi movies or the Bollywood scene :p
18. I was surprised that I became a workaholic when starting my career, but have since learned to balance things a bit better.
19. My favorite song is "Right here waiting" by Richard Marx. My favorite quote is by Max Lucado: "One of God's cures for weak faith? A good, healthy struggle." My favorite book..too many...I read alot!
20. I am a worrier....but apparently hide it well to those who don't know me.
21. I get embarrassed easily. No one can embarrass me like my father can...(well actually one other person and you know who you are :)
22. I love anything associated with food (who doesn't really). I love to cook, bake, try new recipes....I especially like cooking for other people. I could watch TV shows about cooking or cooking competitions for hours. My cuisine of choice these days are Latin/Mexican....and my new favorite ice cream is sticky toffee pudding by Haagan Daz...very yummy and addicting!
23. I am very uncomfortable in large crowds and parties, I prefer intimate settings.
24. I love kids and the birth of my baby cousin has added so much unexpected love and joy in my life. The thought of being a mother one day always gives me goosebumps.
25. I am surprised at myself at how little time it took to write these 25 things & that I am actually going to post it. It was actually interesting to do and a little therapeutic. :p