Sunday, November 1, 2009

No Surprise

You know how you hear a song a million times, you know you like the beat and the feel of the song, but you never really paid attention to the lyrics. And then finally for some reason, you decide to pay attention.....and it takes on a whole other dimension, a song that provokes a deep visceral response.

I had one of those moments with this song as I was driving into work the other day. At the moment it's one of my favorites.

It's amazing how talented artists can take an experience from their lives, no matter good or bad, and can create a great piece of music from it. Even if you and I don't relate to it, you know someone out there is having a deep gut reaction to the words. That's the beauty of a great song.

1 comment:

  1. i read this post last night and still have the song stuck in my head today...even as I'm writing this =) good song.
