Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Sometimes I look for guidance in all the wrong places.  It's crazy how much I rely on me, myself, and I to get me through difficult situations and circumstances.  I forget that there's an amazing power freely given to me to overcome any sin and any worry. 

I read this post from James MacDonald yesterday morning and am reminded of this power that is freely given to us.

"Every good thing God wants to shower on your life comes through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit.

The fruit of the Spirit, understanding of God's Word, love of worship, strength in a trial, grace to forgive, compassion for the lost, comfort in heartache, boldness in witnessing, power in ministry; all of this is yours when you live the Christian life in the Spirit's power."
                                                      - James MacDonald

Amen to that! The key word I often fail to understand here is "everything".  The Holy Spirit can guide me in everything.  It's a wonder why I make things so difficult and continue to use my own devices when the Lord asks us, even implores us, to trust in the Holy Spirit.