Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 6 of 21

I have admittedly been slacking over the last 2 days let's pick up where I left off, Day 6

Taken from "Practicing the Presence of God" by Kim West

"Where are you limiting God?" - I feel like my situation sometimes feels helpless, my feelings taken over with anxiety, when the reality is God can do anything. He parted the Red Sea, he can move mountains, he can raise the dead, heal the sick, and the list goes on and on. I don't know why I doubt God so much at times, but I know I want to get to a place where I have complete trust and faith in Him. I need to remember the miracles of the past, especially the ones He's done in my life.

"What cost keeps you from making the decision to live before God?" - Not really sure how to answer this, so I won't for now.

"Come before God and ask Him to reveal anything that you fear losing if you were to live in His 
presence?" - I fear losing everything, especially loved ones. I have this fear of God using me as an example to teach a lesson and to bring Glory to God. That sounds convoluted, and it is. I'm basically questioning God doing things for my good.
Bottom line is that He loves me, since I am His child. I need to remember He is my Father, even more loving than my earthly father, and that His love is unconditional for me.  He has complete and utter control of my life

What prison do you have that doesn’t hold the peace Gordon experiences? This for sure is anxiety and worry for me. I am constantly worried about everything. I need and plead with God to remove these anxieties and to live in the freedom of knowing that God has everything in His control.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 5 of 21

Taken from "Practicing the Presence of God"

What does it feel like for you to be in God's presence? What is changing in your day? Write out when you knew when God was with you through your day?

There is an overwhelming calm and peace when I am in the Lord's presence. 

Now write out how you day was different because of His presence?

 When I feel anxious, i take a deep breath and remind myself that God is with me and will never leave me. During some disturbing news I saw on the media today, I am reminded that God is in full control. I am also feeling under the weather, and I keep reminding myself I have the ultimate Healer and Protector onmy side. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quotable Quotes

Here's an excerpt from one of my devotionals today . . . really hits home.
What a need there is to counsel our hearts according to the truths of God's Word, "to teach them diligently" to our children (Deut 6:7) and to "write them" into our lives (Heb 8:10).  Both we and the generations coming behind us must endure a world that is often dark and distressing. We are confronted by challenges that seem to leave no other option than worry and panic. But His word is our sanity.  It is what keeps us from losing our equilibrium when all around us appears to be spinning out of control.  It tethers us to truth, mentally and emotionally, protecting our minds, and reorienting our perspectives.

Store up God's Word in your heart.  Memorize it; meditate on it; allow the Spirit of God to personalize it to your life.  And be continually renewed as God uses it to transform you into the likeness of Christ.

Taken from "The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Reading"

Day 4 of 21

Taken From Practicing the Presence of God by Kim West ......

"Do you find that there are times that are harder than others to remember that He is present? My 
suggestion is that you come up with a way that works specifically for you.

For example, I have taught myself that when I feel stressed or upset I will consider that the red 
light on my dashboard which means time to stop. So, I pull over, so to speak, and then I close 
my eyes for just a few seconds, take a breath and simply say, “You are here, Lord.” It is a way 
to re-center myself on Him and put my circumstances back into perspective.

How about you? Is there something that you are learning to do to remind yourself of His 
presence? Are you finding yourself with Him in the good and bad, in the stress and the peace?"

At what times do you really need to remember His presence?
      -  When my thoughts get ahead of me, and I start worrying about the future and things I have no control over. 

Write out how you remind yourself that you are in the presence of God. If you haven’t come up 
with a method yet then it is time to do so.
      - I will look at my bracelet, take a deep breath, and remember the Lord is with me. I will also  recite Psalms 23, which has always brought me comfort.

2 Corinthians 4:7-10 
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will 
be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but 
not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying 
about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 3 of 21 night last night didn't go as well as the night before. Sleep was elusive.....but again I praise God for giving me 3 hours of rest towards the end.

Day 3

From " Practicing the Presence of God" by Kim West

Read David's description of always being in God's presence in Psalm 139 1-12

"As we read David’s life story we see that he lived with adversity, power, sin, betrayal, war, faith, marriage, fatherhood and always with the presence of God. He knew that he was never apart from his Lord. God would never forsake him.

"God is always present with you because He loves you and delights to be with you. Do you
believe that?" I can't say that I honestly do at all times, especially that he delights in me, especially while going thru trials.

"Come into His presence and allow Him to remove any blocks to believing that you are loved by
God. Sit quietly with Him and allow Him to speak to any lie that says that Psalm 139 is untrue 
for you. 
      -  Going thru trials, sometimes you feel so alone, and it's hard to feel God's presence.
      -  Sometimes, while going through trials, it's hard to believe God is doing this for my good and He will never forsake me.

Now, spend time in His love and write what He has shown you. Read through Psalm 139 again 

     - He has shown me that despite my circumstances, He is always there.
     - There is nowhere I can go that can be too far away from God.
     - Any earthly darkness, is never too dark for the Lord, He can be the light no matter how bad things get.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 2 of 21

I slept! Praise God!
Sleep has been one of my biggest struggles since all of this started, so I rejoice in God for giving me a restful night sleep.
On the other hand, I am also human, so of course, my negative thinking rears it's head and says ....."how long is this going to last?" But I digress, that's exactly the kind of thinking I need to stop. I'm trying to live moment to moment and at this moment I THANK GOD for 9 hours of sleep!

So Day 2 points ....

- Becoming aware of God and His presence with us will help us to realize that He is not
passively watching but actively involved in our lives even when we don’t know it.

-He showed Elisha and his servant that He was Sovereign over all that was happening. Nothing
was out of His control. (Read Elisha's story 2 Kings 6:15)

- Awareness of God’s presence gave Elisha the peace he needed in circumstances that looked so
daunting. Maybe we can find the same peace in Him as we wake to our world today. (I need to let this point really sink in.)

Questions for today to think about ......

In what circumstance do you need to be aware of God’s presence?
Allow yourself to know God’s presence there in all that He is. How does the circumstance change?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

21 days

It has been an interesting 3 weeks in my life. I should just start with that.
I was going through life on my merry way when God allowed some changes to occur in an instant. Absolutely terrifying at first, but now, just sort of living with it.
Without going into details, the last time it happened, it lasted 2 weeks, and it was done. When I look back at that time, I thanked God for allowing this trial to come into my life, because I was closer to HIM more than I ever was in the past.
When out of the blue it happened this time, 6 years later, and the 2 weeks have come and gone, it feels more than disheartening that I am still in the midst of this trial.

This blog has in the past served as a reminder of God's miracles in my life. When this trial does pass, and it SHALL, I want to look back and never forget how God delivered me .....because as it says in Philippians 4:4-7

 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So I am starting a 21 day challenge of sorts. I am starting a workbook called "Practicing the Presence of God. A 21 day journey of mind an heart." by Kim West. I hope to chronicle this journey on here to keep me accountable, and that it may be undeniably evident that we serve a living and ever-present God! So here goes!

DAY 1 - How will I come up with a way to know and remind myself that God is with me? I plan on wearing a ring or bracelet on my right hand and it will serve as a reminder that God is there. The goal of today is to bring myself awareness of his presence as many times throughout the day as possible.