Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The $625 Cookbook

I love cooking, but I love collecting cookbooks even more. I have a pretty sizeable collection but I don't spend nearly enough time in the kitchen to justify a purchase like this.  That doesn't mean I'm not super curious about what's inside the pages of probably one of the most expensive cookbooks ever . . .

* 2,438 pages over 5 volumes
* 43 pounds
* 3 years in the making
* 26 chapters covering topics like food safety to the physics of food and water

“A visual roller coaster through the world of food and cook­ing tools ... For the pro­fes­sional chef, mod­ernist or not, it will be an invalu­able ref­er­ence. For the cook­ing geek with $625 to spare ($467.62 online), it will be end­less fun. As a phys­i­cal object it is remark­able; some­times I found myself sim­ply star­ing at the block of books.... Nothing seems to have been spared on the qual­ity of the photo repro­duc­tion, on heavy stock with solid bind­ing.”
Michael Ruhlman, The New York Times

“A masterpiece...the most impor­tant cook­book of the first ten years of the 21st cen­tury.”
Gourmand World Cookbook Awards

“To describe Modernist Cuisine as 'a cook­book' is a bit like describ­ing Mount Everest as a hill. With 2,438 pages, 3,216 full color pho­tographs and 1.1 mil­lion words, Modernist Cuisine will surely be the longest, most thor­ough exam­i­na­tion of food ever pub­lished.”
Kenji Lopez-Alt, Gourmet

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