Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 6 of 21

I have admittedly been slacking over the last 2 days let's pick up where I left off, Day 6

Taken from "Practicing the Presence of God" by Kim West

"Where are you limiting God?" - I feel like my situation sometimes feels helpless, my feelings taken over with anxiety, when the reality is God can do anything. He parted the Red Sea, he can move mountains, he can raise the dead, heal the sick, and the list goes on and on. I don't know why I doubt God so much at times, but I know I want to get to a place where I have complete trust and faith in Him. I need to remember the miracles of the past, especially the ones He's done in my life.

"What cost keeps you from making the decision to live before God?" - Not really sure how to answer this, so I won't for now.

"Come before God and ask Him to reveal anything that you fear losing if you were to live in His 
presence?" - I fear losing everything, especially loved ones. I have this fear of God using me as an example to teach a lesson and to bring Glory to God. That sounds convoluted, and it is. I'm basically questioning God doing things for my good.
Bottom line is that He loves me, since I am His child. I need to remember He is my Father, even more loving than my earthly father, and that His love is unconditional for me.  He has complete and utter control of my life

What prison do you have that doesn’t hold the peace Gordon experiences? This for sure is anxiety and worry for me. I am constantly worried about everything. I need and plead with God to remove these anxieties and to live in the freedom of knowing that God has everything in His control.

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